菲律宾留学 转学生签证办理的相关信息
II. Transfering student visa
1. 学员需按移民局要求用英文填写相关申请表格(一式两份),并递交本人的公证和认证资料。
1. The students must submit Two (2) copies of English accomplished application forms required by the Bureau of Immigration and personal notarizations and authentications.
2. 学员需按移民局要求进行外国留学人员体检,体检合格后方可申请转留学生签证。
2. The students need to have physical examination required by the Bureau of Immigration, only it is qualified then students could apply for student visa.
3. 转学生签证需要20天左右的时间,学员将在离开菲律宾前拿到,因不可抗力因素而延长转学生签证时间请予以谅解。
3. It takes about 20 days to transfer from tourist visa to student visa and students will get it before they leave Philippines. We will not be responsible for the delay due to reasons that beyond human control.
4. 因提前离校而未能成功按时转学生签证,所引发的后果由学员本人承担。
4. Personal reason that result in failed student visa (eg. Leave school earlier than expected time), students should be responsible for their behavior.