淑明女子大学是在大韩帝国时期由崇皇室顺宪皇贵妃在1906年亲自设立的大学。作为韩国第一所私立女子大学,经过一百年多年的发展壮大,淑明女子大学已经成为韩国教育界知名的女子大学。想去淑明女子大学留学,必须先申请D-2签证,申请D-2签证需要什么材料,又有什么要求呢?下面是出国留学网 m.liuxue86.com 为大家整理的淑明女子大学留学签证申请须知,供大家参考。
In order to study in Korea for more than 90 days, you need to apply for a D-2 student visa. A student visa can be obtained at Korean consulates, usually overnight. It can be extended here in Seoul without having to leave Korea.
为了在韩国学习超过 90 天,你需要申请 D-2 学生签证。学生签证可以在韩国领事馆签发,通常是24小时内。可以直接在首尔延期而无需离开韩国。
To apply for a student VISA (D-2),you will need the following items: 申请D-2学生签证,所需材料:
Completed visa application form (available at http://www.hikorea.go.kr)
Valid passport
Certificate of Admission (Acceptance Letter from Sookmyung Women's University)
Bank Statement (or Scholarship Certificate)
If you are a regular degree-seeking student : a minimum of US$10,000
If you are an exchange student : 1 semester: more than US$6,000, 2 semesters: more than US$10,000
Two color ID photo(3.5cm X 4.5cm)
Visa Processing Fee (Single Entry: US$50, Multiple Entry: US$80)
The required application materials are subject to change without prior notice. We recommend you to visit the website of Immigration Office http://www.hikorea.go.kr before you go to apply for visa.
1.完整的签证申请表格 (可在 http://www.hikorea.go.kr下载)
3.入学证明 (淑明女子大学录取信)
4.银行存款证明 (或奖学金证书)
-如果你是一个学位攻读生: 最低10000 美元
-如果你是一名交换学生: 1 学期: 超过6,000美元,2 个学期: 超过10,000美元
5.两种颜色证件照片 (3.5 厘米 X 4.5 厘米)
6.签证费 (单次入境: 50美元,多次入境: 80美元)
所需的申请材料如有变更恕不另行通知。我们建议您申请签证之前访问移民局网站 http://www.hikorea.go.kr
Note 1 : If you already received a C-3 visa (short-term permission for general purpose) instead of a D-2 visa, you must change your visa status within 30 days after arrival.
Note 2 : There are two types of Visas; one is single entry, the other is multiple entry. If you want to travel abroad during your exchange program at Sookmyung, we recommend a multiple entry type of D-2 visa. The embassy or consulate will issue you a single entry visa if you do not specifically request a multiple entry visa.
Note 3 : If you want to study the Korean language, you should apply for the D-4 visa.
注 1: 如果您已经收到 C-3 签证 (短期一般用途) 而不是 D-2 签证,你必须在到达后的 30 天内更改签证。
注 2: 有两种类型的签证;一个是单次入境,另一种是多次入境。如果你想要在留学期间出国旅行期,我们建议 D-2签证多次入境类型。大使馆或领事馆会向您颁发单次入境签证,如果你没有要求多次入境签证。
注 3: 如果你想要学习韩语,你应该申请 D-4 签证。
Student VISA Extension 学生签证延期
International Students(with D-2 VISA) whose extended period of study is approved by Sookmyung Women's University
beyond the current valid visa are rquired to apply for visa extension at the Immigration Office from one month before
the expiration date to the expiration date.
Application Form(available at the Immigration Office)
Valid passport and Alien Registration Card
Transcript(issued by Sookmyung Women's University)
Bank Statement (or Scholarship Certificate): more than US$3,000
Certificate of Enrollment
Service fee(KRW30,000)学生签证延期
1.申请表 (在移民局得到)
3.成绩单 (淑明女子大学出具)
4.银行对帐单 (或奖学金证书): 超过3,000美金
想了解更多关于淑明女子大学或其他韩国留学资讯,请浏览出国留学网 m.liuxue86.com