AddressNew Zealand Visa Application Centre | 地址新西兰签证中心 |
Opening hoursThe Beijing VAC is open for submission of applications from 8:00am-3:00pm Monday to Friday and follows the holiday schedule of the INZ Beijing Branch. | 营业时间广州签证中心的受理时间为周一至周五早晨8点至下午3点,其休息日与新西兰移民局及北京办公室一致。 |
FeesWhen you lodge your application at the VAC you must pay a facilitation fee as follows:
Applicants who wish to have their passports returned to them by courier, rather than by collection from the Visa Application Centre, must pay a 50 CNY per passport courier fee.
Application and facilitation fees can be paid:
If paying by bank transfer and submitting your application to the Beijing VAC, please pay your fees to the following bank account: Name of Bank: Bank of China Beijing Embassy District Sub-Branch Account number: 341 559 508 313 Account holder name: Beijing Shuangxiong Foreign Service Company Visa Application Centre
| 费用当你递交申请时,申请人需要向签证中心支付签证服务费如下:
如果申请递交至北京签证中心且通过银行银行转账付款,请将费用转帐至如下帐户: 银行名称:中国银行北京使馆区支行 银行帐号: 341 559 508 313 收款人: 北京双雄对外服务公司签证代理服务中心 |
Applicants should pay to the VAC bank account the total visa fee, the facilitation fee and the courier fee.
Please write the principal applicant’s name and date of birth in the additional comments section of the bank transfer document, and send the ‘payment evidence’ with your application so that your payment can be quickly identified.
Please clearly indicate the purpose of the bank transfer.
| 申请人需将签证费、服务费(按每份申请计算)以及所需要的邮费汇至指定的签证中心银行账户。
在存款或银行转帐时,附言中请注明申请人姓名及出生日期, 递交申请时请提供’银行付款凭证’以便您的汇款能被迅速辨别。
请注明汇款用途。 |
Assessment of applicationsAlthough applications are submitted at the VAC, they are assessed and decided by Immigration New Zealand immigration officers at the INZ Beijing Branch in accordance with certified New Zealand Immigration Instructions.
Staff members of the VAC provide facilitation services only. Although they provide information about submitting an application for a visa, they cannot provide immigration advice and have no influence on the outcome of an application for a visa for New Zealand. | 审查申请尽管申请人将材料递交至签证中心,申请仍然由新西兰移民局的签证官根据移民法政策进行审理。
签证中心的工作人员仅提供便利服务。尽管他们会提供关于递交申请的信息,但是不能提供移民建议也不会影响新西兰签证申请结果。 |