签证指南:工签全过程, 面试文件,准备面试,面试问题

2011-05-02 14:30:18 admin 签证中文英国

从来没8点以前起过,今儿个8:30就开始拨电话85296600, 英文的没人接(忙着呢吧),中文的说下午1:30 - 4:30再打。想洗个澡再打,没想到洗澡时大使馆打到家里来了,是个英国人,但是我妈接的,对方一听是说我妈便改用中文告诉她,我的签证过了,可以10点来取。过了5分钟,又打到我的手机上,我接的,她还是用中文说:“你还是下午3:00来吧,我怕现在把你的护照放在前台他们混乱不明白。”还没等我说谢谢,她便挂了。

在此谢谢各位帮助过我和志同道合的朋友。 特别是supergoodman,等你到了英国发email给我,咱们一定聊聊!

1.公司在我回国的同一天发的work permit application, 并在3天后收到work permit certificate的认可。

Required Documents (Original and Photocopy of each document)
1. Work permit certificate
2. Passport that has enough time
3. Family book (original and English)
4. A letter of support from your employer and evidence of your qualifications and experience relevant to the job for which the work permit was issued
Contract, Degree certificate, Reference Letter
5. Proof of funding and salary - Recent Bank statement
6. Proof of Accommodation, justify that if company will help you
7. 3 passport photo
8. 1275 元
9. An application form completed in English (if you are Chinese, you should include on the form the standard numerical codes for the Chinese characters of your name). You must include an accurate address in Chinese characters, which includes a postcode;

1. 名字要有电码
2. 地址一定填中文

过安检后交面试文件 / When handing in all documents:

You only need to hand in your application form, photos, passport and photocopies and translations of all other documents to the reception.

But have original copy of all other documents ready when you are asked to enter the interview room.

1. Read your application form and documents, make sure you know everything on these papers.
2.Prepare questions. Make sure you show that:
a) you are not going to take any other work apart from these stated in your work permit
cool.gif you only intend to stay for the stated period
c) you have sufficient accommodation

Some Guidelines from ukvisas website

Entry clearance as work permit holder may be granted if you are satisfied that the applicant:
• holds a valid work permit and is capable of undertaking the employment specified;
• does not intend to take employment except as specified on the work permit;
• intends to leave the UK on expiry of the work permit (where a work permit is due to expire within 12 months);
• is able to be maintained and accommodated (and any dependants) adequately without recourse to public funds.

17.13 - Assessing work permit entry clearance applications
You should check the details on the work permit to ensure they match those on the applicant’s passport and entry clearance application form. Where there is only a minor discrepancy between the particulars on a passport and you are satisfied that the applicant is the rightful holder of the work permit, entry clearance should be granted. However, where more serious discrepancies occur, you should instruct the applicant to return the work permit to the prospective employer so that it may be corrected by WP (UK).

If the accommodation is not owned by the couple (or one of them), the Rules require that there be adequate accommodation which is for their exclusive use. This need not be as elaborate as a self-contained flat. It is acceptable for a couple to live in an existing household, e.g. that of a parent, uncle, aunt, sibling or friend, as long as they have at least a bedroom for their exclusive use.

1. 一定熟读你的application form, 和所有辅助材料。
2. 常规/常问问题
- 1. How long do you intend to stay in the UK in total?
- 2. Why are you going to UK?
- 3. What job are you going to take in UK?
- 4. Give some detail of your working place in UK?
- 5. What are you doing in china?
- 6 What qualifications did/will you receive?
- 7 Are you travel alone?
- 8 How much is total projected cost, including accommodation and maintenance?
- 9 Who is financing you? (if finance is from different sources, state how much from each source)?
- 10 What is your job/income here?
- 11 What will you do on completion of your visa in the UK?
3. 要结合自己的情况准备问题
- i. 如:曾取消过预约的朋友注意:VO很有可能会问你取消的原因,一定要准备一下,因为他们那里都是有记录的。
- ii. 存款的金额,构成和来源。
- iii. 等等。
4. 一些你需要知道的事
- i. 英国的高等教育和工业发展水平很高,对于自身今后的经济收入和社会地位来说都是很有价值的。(你为什么喜欢在英国?)
- ii. 去英国所需费用的构成, e.g. 食宿费, 假期旅游, 交通, 往返机票.
- iii. 等等。
5. 对难的问题,我个人的经验是记住几点,例如:
- Career is more important.
- Have a Long-term plan.
- Come back to china on completion of work permit, you only intend to stay for the stated period
- you are not going to take any other work apart from these stated in your work permit
- you have sufficient accommodation & funding

Visa 问讯/ Contact the embassy checking if visa is ready

打85296600, 如选英文,从8:30开始便可查,如选中文,只有13:30 - 16:30。

只有15:00- 15:30 可取签证,所以保险起见,最好14:30就开始排队。

最后再说一句,不用担心,正如supergoodman和心言手语所说: “拿到WP以后的签证只是一个形式而已,只要没有被拒签过,没有什么不良记录应该很容易的。返签也没什么好担心的,我在网上搜了半天也没找到一个返签被拒的案例。” 而oofymin免试,supergoodman只有2分钟, 我就被问1个问题正是good examples。

我: "Hi!"
签证官:"Hi, Take a seat."
签证官:"Why are you going to UK?"
我:"To work."
然后她就说: "that's fine then, come back on 16th February."
我: "Can I ask what's the purpose of this referral process?"
签证官:"It's a standard procedure, dont worry about it, everyone else is the same."
我: "Alright, thank you."

Good Luck to Everyone!


工签全过程, 面试文件,准备面试,面试问题








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