Excluded businesses
An enterprise, corporation or organization is not a Canadian business if it exists primarily to allow permanent residents to comply with their residency obligations during a stay outside Canada.
第二个要求是 Qualifying Employment outside Canada,具体要求如下:
The phrase “employed on a full-time basis by a Canadian business or in the public service of Canada” means:
you are an employee of, or under contract to provide services to, either a Canadian business, the public service of Canada or the public service of a Canadian province; and
you are assigned as a term of your employment or contract on a full-time basis to either:
a position outside Canada;
an affiliated enterprise outside Canada; or
a client of the Canadian business or the public service outside Canada.
这是关于雇佣关系的要求,也有一个台湾人的案例,2005年的。这个人登陆后,买了房,把老婆和两个孩子留在加拿大,自己做空中飞人。他自称从2001年开始为一个叫Nu-Skin的公司工作,这是个美国公司,在加拿大有office,也有人在加拿大support他的。所以他跟Nu-Skin的加拿大公司有雇佣关系。但从他的报税记录来看,2001年他报的收入是6000多,2002年稍多了一点,刚过一万。上诉的时候,移民局说首先他和加拿大Nu-Skin的关系就不清楚,其次他的收入报得太低,不可能是fulltime工作的,连最低工资标准都没达到。虽然他在加有房产,有家人,而且他说他回台湾也是因为要照顾生病的父母,但最后还是没有给他special relief, 被拒了。